Friday, November 23, 2018

November 19-23

Thank you for attending our November conferences, parents and guardians of Room 5 students! It was great seeing you again or meeting for the first time to discuss your child's progress so far and
how to help with their development.
We have had a productive but short week- trying to finish up our unit on addition and subtraction strategies for Math, and our "Exploring Liquids" unit in Science. We will continue working on addition and subtraction all year, but increase the difficulty level to include numbers up to 100.
We are wrapping up our Social Studies unit on Saskatoon over the next couple of weeks. Ask your child what they can remember about Saskatoon and the Ukrainian community there!
Thanks again, parents, and I look forward to seeing you at our Winter Concert on Thursday, December 6!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Oct 29-Nov 2

Halloween week! One of the writing tasks students completed this week was a journal entry about our trip to Heritage Park. These are now entered into students' Visual Journals. All students did well on their Spelling homework and tests that we did today. We had a fun Halloween party on Wednesday, and students wrote a journal entry about their night the following morning. These are also in their Visual Journals, and we will share them with you during our conferences later this month.In Math, we continued working on addition and subtraction strategies, and learned how to complete a basic Sudoku puzzle. In Science, students learned that a drop of water can be manipulated in a variety of ways once it is placed on a non-absorbant surface. (We used wax paper).
We also had a wonderful assembly from the Earth Rangers on Thursday. And finally, our class won 2nd prize in the Elementary Pumpkin Decorating Contest!
Check it out!

June 3-7

We had a great trip to the Calgary Zoo this week! Thank you to the parent volunteers- we couldn't have done it without you! Our bug pro...