Sunday, February 10, 2019

FEB 4-8

Brrrrrrrr! We had a chilly week and students began getting a little stir crazy, so we had lots of indoor movement breaks this week. We have begun practicing reading our Reader's Theatre scripts out loud. Students have chosen a fairy tale to share to the Grade 1s soon. Next week, we will begin choosing roles and work on memorizing some of the lines. We had a very interesting presentation in the library on Tuesday for Chinese New Year- ask your child about the instruments, music, and story.
Next week is a short one- students only attend Monday to Wednesday, then it is Teachers' Convention Thursday and Friday, and Family Day the following Monday.
We will be celebrating both 100 Day and Valentines Day on Wednesday, February the 13th.
If possible, please have your child choose 100 small items to bring to school that day for a project. Please do not go to any extra expense. Suggestions for items are:

-Cheerios or other cereal
-plastic beads
-paper clips
-macaroni noodles

These could be brought in a ziplock bag for use on their 100th Day of School project.
I sent home a list of names last Friday so that your child could fill out Valentine Cards to everyone. I will bring some extras to school that day just in case.
Thank you parents!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Jan 28 - Feb 1

Welcome back to Winter! The temperature is expected to continue dropping over the weekend- please check Monday and have your child prepared with mitts, toques, etc. It looks like we will have indoor recess breaks.
Students brought home their first term's report card yesterday. I had a mini conference with them all about their progress so far. We will discuss the setting of personal learning goals early next week.
We had a fun "Hawaii" spirit day on Wednesday! Our next special day will be Wednesday, February 13. We will have a small Valentine's celebration and card exchange on that day, as there is no school for students on the 14th and 15th due to Teachers' Convention.
Thank you and stay warm!

June 3-7

We had a great trip to the Calgary Zoo this week! Thank you to the parent volunteers- we couldn't have done it without you! Our bug pro...